

Group news

Collagen (peptide) national appraisal


Release time:2015-05-07

In June 1, 2013, Chinese aquatic products processing and marketing association was identified in the Beijing Landmark Towers organization of domestic authority on cooperation of process engineering research Weihai Yuwang Group Co. Ltd., Chinese Academy of Sciences "fish collagen peptide identification function and preparation of the project", the expert group, Professor Xue Changhu from Ocean University of China, China Agricultural University professor Luo Yongkang Stuart Chinese Fisheries Society Beijing Forestry University researcher, Jiantong Lei Jian Professor, Institute of Microbiology researcher Luo Yuanming.

The meeting listened to the expert group chairman Miao Qiang "project background and implementation", and responsible for the project Research Institute of Engineering Chinese State Key Laboratory of biochemical engineering researcher Zhang Guifeng's "project technical route and report the results of" Research Report, gave a high evaluation. The project of isolated collagen peptide can be combined with fibronectin specific from collagen protein, its amino acid sequence was determined; to study the effects of collagen polypeptide blood rheological properties of fibronectin; established the collagen protein peptide mass spectrometry analysis method, for the quality control of aquatic animal collagen polypeptide lay a methodological foundation.

Finally, the group agreed that: the project of strong innovation, advanced research methods, research on collagen functional peptide interactions between biological molecules to reach the international advanced level based on. And suggestions: to speed up the research and discovery of marine organisms to improve, accelerate scale collagen polypeptide preparation system function, accelerate the rapid development of medicine, health food and other fields, and promote the construction of blue ocean economy in China to improve the stability of.